Not only does Olde Towne Community Church believe in impacting its own community, it believes in supporting both missionaries and institutions that go about spreading the Gospel in word and deed. Olde Towne is proud to financially support worldwide missions efforts, including the efforts of the missionaries and institutions seen below.

Wesley Biblical SeminaryJackson, MississippiCLICK HERE for Wesley Biblical Seminary's Website

Wesley Biblical Seminary
Jackson, Mississippi

CLICK HERE for Wesley Biblical Seminary's Website

House of BlessingsOrphanage, Calebasse, HaitiCLICK HERE for House of Blessing's Facebook Page

House of Blessings
Orphanage, Calebasse, Haiti

CLICK HERE for House of Blessing's Facebook Page

Troy and Jenny GentryMissionaries to Mexico City, MexicoCLICK HERE for Troy and Jennifer's Website

Troy and Jenny Gentry
Missionaries to Mexico City, Mexico

CLICK HERE for Troy and Jennifer's Website