The youth group of Olde Towne Community Church is built on 3 main principles:
- To be rooted in Scripture
- To build lasting friendships with one another
- To impact our community in a positive way
It is important for young Christians to begin learning the importance of forming a self-identity that is based on their own personal convictions and Scriptural guidance rather than society, at large. It is also important for young Christians to not only learn the lesson of serving others, but to begin putting those lessons into action. At Olde Towne Community Church, these two ideas represent the identity of our youth ministry.
The youth group meets for Sunday School at 9:15 AM on Sundays and for a midweek lesson at 6:15 PM on Wednesdays. Service projects and youth activities are also common.
Embedded below is the OTCC youth blog page. It is frequently updated with announcements, devotions, lesson prep, and many more helpful reminders and thoughts.